25 September 2009

Gunner Revolution

I'm proposing a Gunner Revolution! Some people in law school REALLY REALLY like to hear themselves talk in class and it gets VERY old! I've heard that some people have been dropping hints like "you're really cool outside of school, but in class you're a huge douche!" I'm not the type of person to promote ill will towards others, but I am a little glad that people have been making these comments. I'm convinced that these people raise their hands and then when they get called on they just blurt out any thought or opinion in their head at the moment without thinking about its relevance. It's gotten so bad that in some classes the professors are getting annoyed as well. I wish they separated law school classes like they did in high school... smart people, people who think they are smart but really aren't, people who try to be smart, and people who just have no hope. Well, I guess that's all I'll rant about for now.

Other news: HA! I'm in law school, of course there is no other news. I read and read and read and eat and sleep (very little). At least it's a 3 day weekend this weekend so I've been working extra hard this week to finish my work before the weekend! NO NO IT'S TRUE... I AM NOT PROCRASTINATING!!!!! Who would have ever thought! Anyway, hopefully I'll have some exciting news to write about this weekend!

tahtah :)

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